How To Prevent Scorpions From Getting In Your Bed?

How to Prevent Scorpions from Getting in Your Bed - Villageoftijerasnm How To Prevent Scorpions From Getting In Your Bed

Are you afraid of scorpions in your bed? Do you lie awake at night thinking that one may creep under the covers with you? You’re not alone—scorpions frequently find their way in our homes. But, luckily, with the right techniques and tips, you can prevent these eight-legged creatures from joining you in bed at night.

Create a Barrier Using Sealant

Creating a physical barrier is one of the best ways to keep scorpions away from your sleeping area. Polyurethane sealants, caulk, or weatherstripping (for doorways) will all make it extremely difficult for scorpions to enter your space. You can even go an extra level and create a box or frame around your bed to contain them outside.

When applying a sealant, it’s important to pay attention to where it touches the ground since scorpions can easily creep through the tiniest of crevices. Be sure to seal any cracks or gaps in walls, foundations, or window frames, and check the sealant regularly to ensure that it holds up.

Stay Organized and Clean

It may not seem obvious, but having a neat and organized bedroom is one of the best ways to keep scorpions away. To start, remove as many dark and damp places as you can. Scorpions love to hide and seek refuge under furniture, so clean beneath your bed and behind any storage boxes.

Getting rid of any clutter—like stacks of clothes or unorganized boxes—will also help. Scorpions tend to gravitate to warm, dark, and cluttered spaces, and more importantly, they’ll be in search of food. This includes other pests like cockroaches, spiders, and silverfish that are also looking for food and hidden places.

Keep Your Home Dry

The last thing you want to do is create a moist haven for scorpions. To keep them away, then, it’s important to make sure your home stays dry. Keep an eye out for leaky pipes, condensation on windows, or water stains on the floor.

You can also dehumidify your home by investing in a dehumidifier. This machine will reduce the level of humidity in your home and minimize the risk of scorpions entering. Its filters can also eliminate other particles like dust, pollen, and smoke.

Keep Your Windows Closed

Open windows can invite several unwanted guests into your bedroom, so be sure to keep your windows closed and covered. But this doesn’t mean you have to keep your windows shut all the time. Taking the time to screen your windows is one of the most effective ways to keep scorpions and other pests out.

You can purchase window screens with tiny holes that prevent scorpions from crawling in. It’s important to have a professional install the screens as they’ll make sure all the gaps are properly sealed.

Natural Repellents

If you’re looking for natural ways to keep scorpions away, there are several solutions to choose from. Cinnamon oil, tobacco, garlic, and cedar mulch are all effective natural repellents that you can use around the perimeter of your house. These repellents mask the scent of food and create an unpleasant environment that deters scorpions.

You can also sprinkle citrus peels or slices in the corners of your home and in areas where you frequently spot scorpions. Not only are they unpleasant to these creatures, but citrus peels also help neutralize and eliminate odors in the air—a bonus factor for you.

Eliminate Food Sources

Scorpions are attracted to food and water, so it’s important to make sure that all the possible sources of food are eliminated in your home. This includes pet food, spilled food, small crumbs, and any other source of nourishment.

In addition to ensuring your area is clean, you can also invest in pest-resistant storage containers for food. These containers will keep the food sealed from both pests and odors, protecting it from swarms of scorpions.

Check for Scorpions On a Regular Basis

Even if you take all the steps above to prevent scorpions from entering your home, it’s still important to check for them on a regular basis. Doing a quick scan of your space every few days will not only help reduce the chances of scorpions entering, but it’ll also help you spot any signs of infestation.

It’s best to use a flashlight at night since scorpions are nocturnal and tend to hide during the day. Don’t forget to look in cupboards, closets, and under furniture as well.And if you come across a scorpion, though they’re hazardous, you can take comfort in knowing that most aren’t highly venomous to humans.

Call an Expert Pest Controller

If you have actively tried all the above methods and still find scorpions lingering in your bedroom, then call a professional pest control company. They’ll know precisely how to address your scorpion situation and have techniques to eliminate them permanently.

For instance, there are exterminators that use ultrasonic waves to repel pests like scorpions. These waves create a barrier between you and the scorpions, pushing them away from your space and keeping them from returning.


Now you know how to keep scorpions away from your sleeping area and prevent them from entering your home. Scorpions may be sneaky, but with proper cleanup and precaution, you can create a safe environment for you and your family. So don’t let scorpions keep you up at night—take the necessary steps to protect your space.

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