How To Get Pine-sol Out Of Clothing?

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How to Safely and Easily Remove Pine-sol Stain from Clothes

We've all been there - we've spilled some Pine-sol on our favorite piece of clothing and don't know what to do! Is it ruined forever? Not quite! If you take the proper steps to remove Pine-sol stains, you can salvage your clothing. Here, you will learn how to safely and easily remove Pine-sol stains from clothes.

Step 1: Blot Up the Excess Pine-sol

The first step to removing a Pine-sol stain is to blot up as much of the excess as possible. Use a paper towel or a dry cloth to do this. Do not scrub the stain, as this will only cause it to spread. Additionally, do not pour more Pine-sol on the already stained fabric; this will only make the stain larger and harder to remove.

Step 2: Pretreat the Stain with Detergent

Once you have removed the excess Pine-sol, you will need to pretreat the stain with a laundry detergent. Apply a few drops of laundry detergent directly to the stain and allow it to sit for 10 minutes. Do not scrub or rub the detergent into the fabric, as this could damage the fibers.

Step 3: Launder as Usual

Once the detergent has been allowed to penetrate the fabric, it is time to toss the garment in the washing machine. Make sure to follow the fabric’s care labels in order to ensure that your clothing receives the best treatment possible. Wash your clothes as usual, using the warmest temperature recommended by the care instructions.

Step 4: Inspect Clothes for Remaining Stains

After the clothes have been through the washer, inspect the garment for any remaining traces of the Pine-sol stain. If there is still a stain present, try repeating the pretreatment step with the detergent. Once more, allow it to sit for a few minutes before laundering as usual.

Step 5: Final Inspection After Drying

After washing and drying the garment, take a final look to make sure that the stain has been completely removed. If the stain still lingers, it's time to take the clothing item to a professional dry cleaner.

Step 6: Avoid Using Pine-sol on Your Clothes

The safest way to keep your clothes pristine is to avoid using Pine-sol on them in the first place. Use a mild detergent and cold water whenever possible, as this will help to protect the fabric fibers and colors from fading.


Learning how to properly remove Pine-sol stains from clothes can save you time and money. Using the steps outlined above, you can easily remove pesky Pine-sol stains from your favorite garments and enjoy wearing them again. So, the next time a Pine-sol spill occurs, you know exactly what to do for effective stain removal.

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