What Do Tree Removal Companies Do With The Wood?

What Do Tree Removal Companies Do With The Wood? - Reality Paper What Do Tree Removal Companies Do With The Wood

What Do Tree Removal Companies Do With The Wood?

If you've ever seen the horrific aftermath of a fallen tree, there's no question that tree removal companies are critical to the safety and wellbeing of our communities. But what about the wood they collect? What happens to the severed trunks and branches? While the fate of the trees may not play a prominent role in the minds of most homeowners, it’s an important and impactful decision that tree removal companies have to make. In this article, we’ll explore the various options available to tree removal contractors when they take on a job.

On-Site Recycling

One of the most common ways of disposing of fallen trees is on-site recycling. In this situation, the tree removal contractors will chop the tree into small pieces. These pieces can be used in a variety of ways, including for wood chips in garden soil, mulch, or even to generate electricity in the form of wood gas. Depending on the size of the job, the wood may be transported off-site for further processing.

On-site recycling is beneficial in that it not only helps to reduce the amount of debris that needs to be transported off the job site, but it also provides a renewable source of energy. It’s also a great way to help reduce your carbon footprint, as it turns a natural resource into a source of renewable energy.

It’s important to note that on-site recycling can also be dangerous. The wood pieces can cause scratches and splinters, as well as other injuries, so it’s important to wear protective clothing and equipment when handling the wood.

Off-Site Recycling

With off-site recycling, tree removal contractors transport the fallen trees to a facility where they can be further processed. This processing can include grinding the wood into mulch or sawdust, which can be used as soil enhancers or used to produce a range of other products. It can also involve using the wood to produce energy, such as burning the wood for fuel or to generate steam.

The off-site recycling process is beneficial in that it keeps the process off the job site and reduces the risk of any potential injuries. Plus, it provides even more options for the recycling of the wood. The downside, however, is that it requires additional transport costs, which may be prohibitive to some tree removal companies.

Landfill Disposal

For some tree removal companies, the easiest and most economical option is to simply dispose of the fallen trees in a landfill. While this is an environmentally undesirable option, it’s still the most viable option for some tree removal companies, particularly those with limited resources. There are strict regulations in place that govern how much wood can be disposed of in landfills, so it’s important to make sure you’re complying with all local and state laws when disposing of your wood.

Landfill disposal isn’t ideal, as it leaves all of the wood in one place, where it can take up valuable space and be a breeding ground for termites and other pests. There is also the risk of the wood coming back into contact with nearby vegetation, which can lead to the spread of disease.

Donation or Repurposing

In some cases, tree removal companies may have the ability to donate the wood to community centers or other organizations that make use of the wood. These organizations may be able to provide valuable items like firewood for rural communities, or repurpose the wood for furniture, sculptures, and more. This is a great way to allow the wood to be reused in a useful manner and help out members of your community.

Repurposing the wood is also beneficial in that it reduces the amount of wood that is sitting in landfills or otherwise wasting away. It can also be an enjoyable activity for tree removal teams, as repurposing the wood can be a fun way to get creative and engage with your community at large.


In some cases, tree removal contractors may be able to sell the wood they retrieve to local sawmills, woodworking shops, or other businesses. Depending on the wealth of resources in the local area, there may be a robust market for wood, allowing tree removal companies to get a bit of extra income from the job. It’s important to note that selling wood can be time-consuming and often requires a certain degree of legal know-how, so be sure to do your research before embarking on such a venture.

Selling the wood can also help reduce the strain on landfill operations. Many sawmills today are equipped to break down the wood into useful pieces, allowing the wood to be recycled in a manner that is beneficial to everyone involved.


As you can see, there are a variety of options available to tree removal companies when it comes to disposing of fallen trees. From on-site recycling to selling the wood, tree removal companies have the power to shape the fate of the wood they collect. Be sure to keep the environment in mind when making your decision, as the responsible disposal of fallen trees can have a lasting and positive impact on your community for years to come.

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