How Much Does A Dental Assistant Make In Michigan?

How much money does a Dental Administrative Assistant make? How Much Does A Dental Assistant Make In Michigan

Finding success in life often requires having the right job that pays well, but it can be difficult to know which career paths might be the most lucrative. As a Michigan resident, you may have considered becoming a dental assistant, wondering how much money they make. The answer is that salary does vary based on the experience of the assistant and the employer.

Location and Experience Matter

As with most careers, the amount of money that a dental assistant earns in Michigan will depend on the experience and location. An assistant with a lot of experience that works in a larger city in Michigan, like Detroit, may make significantly more than a less experienced assistant working in a small town. Taking the time to find a good job with a good employer and in a good location can result in a higher salary.

The National Average Wage Range

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual wage range for dental assistants in the United States is between $29,640 and $43,150 depending on experience. The national median salary for dental assistants is $36,940 and the top 10 percent earn more than $51,610. It is important to note, however, that since Michigan is considered to have a higher cost of living than many areas, the wages here could be higher than the national averages.

Factors That Impact Salary

In addition to experience and location, other factors that can affect the amount of money earned by dental assistants in Michigan include certifications, educational level and the type of work they are doing. Those who have earned a higher degree or specialized certifications can make more money than those who haven't. Additionally, those who do more technical work, such as making impressions or dental x-rays, may earn a higher salary when compared to assistants that simply sterilize instruments.

Different Industries, Different Salaries

The industry where a dental assistant is working also affects their wages, as some industries may pay more than others. For example, dental assistants working in the insurance industry may make more money than those working in a dentist's office. Those that are employed by the Federal government may make more than those working in state or local government. It is important to look carefully at opportunities in different industries before making a final decision.

So, How Much Do Dental Assistants Make in Michigan?

The answer is that it will depend on the experience level, location, certifications, educational level and type of work being performed. With the right mix of knowledge, experience, and opportunity, a dental assistant in Michigan could potentially make more than the national average. The key is to do your homework and take the time to find an employer that can provide the right combination of factors.

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